AP Exams are online and available now. They are currently $72 each and will increase to $112 after October 30. You can use this link to get to the site to purchase your exams: https://osp.osmsinc.com/EscalonUSD/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=LF001
Homecoming Queen Voting is today and tomorrow during lunch in the quad. This is open to ALL EHS students. You must bring your student ID.
Eski High goes for the Gold, and Purple! Homecoming is next week, Cougars! The theme is the Olympics. Dress up days include Jersey Day, Tacky Tourist, Western Wednesday, and Rep your Ring (color wars). Check the daily bulletin and EHS Instagram pages for updates.
ASVAB- 10-12th grade students interested in taking the ASVAB exam can sign up using the posted link (https://forms.gle/yeaiu3juGMq6Tvty7). ASVAB is a standardized career aptitude test open to anyone, scores are required for those interested in enlisting in the military. EHS will be offering the exam on Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023.
EHS Juniors - The Escalon Sunrise Rotary is seeking applicants to participate in the 2024 RYLA Leadership Camp. These camps bring together over 200 students from the Central Valley who are already leaders in their schools. The camps will run from February 16-19. More information and applications are available from Karen Nunes in the ASB Office and are due by October 24.
Attention all FFA members- If you are interested in helping with the FFA homecoming float, we will meet in RM 38 during lunch today and Thursday.
STUDENT DRIVERS- You must display a parking permit whether you park on or off campus. Please pick up your permit application outside of the front office. If you do not have a parking permit displayed, Ricardo will tag your vehicle with a reminder; after that, disciplinary action will follow.
All ASB Cards and Family Passes are here. Please stop by the ASB office this week and pick them up.
Art Club- there will be an art club meeting today 10/10 during lunch in room 40
ASL Club meeting for today has been postponed to next Tuesday, October 17th. Please check out Google Classroom for updates to our coming meetings this month.
Band and Choir students are selling holiday pies from now until October 31st. Please help support the boosters by purchasing from one of the music students.
Seniors interested in applying to CSU’s- Visit the senior Google classroom to sign up for the CSU Application workshop at EHS on Wed, Oct 11th, during 5th & 6th periods in the library. You must sign up on the Google form by Monday 10/10 to attend.
We will be hosting an MJC Application Workshop for seniors planning to attend MJC after high school on Monday, November 6. You must register on the Google form in the Senior Google classroom. Space is limited, so don’t wait!
The Lois M. Graham and Joey Pinasco Memorial Scholarships are open to All Majors. Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for these scholarships. Please stop by to see Karen in the ASB Office if you’d like help with scholarships.
Seniors who still need to take their yearbook photo can do so on Oct. 13th in the theater. Picture times will be assigned with passes. More information will be going out to families in the next few weeks.
Girls soccer- MANDATORY conditioning starts TODAY, 10/10. Bring tennis shoes and water. You MUST complete the online clearance process before being able to participate.
Wrestling Attention all wrestlers, there will be a mandatory wrestling meeting in Station 41 at lunch time Today October 10th 2023. Lunch will be provided. If you plan on being on the wrestling team this year you need to be present.
Tuesday, October 10:
Girls Golf at Ripon- Release at 12:24 Genevieve Casazza, Rose Percey, Elizabeth Allan, Cortney Ball, Olivia Aceves, Kamille Thomas
Wednesday, October 11:
Cross Country at Oak Park
Volleyball Home vs Hughson - 4/5/6
Thursday, October 12:
Flag Football at Orestimba 6/7 pm - vans leave at 4:20
Freshman Football at Hilmar - 6:00 pm - bus leaves at 3:30
Golf vs Livingston 3:30
Friday, October 13:
Football JV and Varsity vs Hilmar at Modesto Junior College - GO FAN ENTRY ONLY - Rivalry Game The “Vaca Bowl”