Escalon High School Daily Bulletin

Come out to the quad this Friday 9/22 during lunch to celebrate Multicultural Day! There will be games, air brush tattoos, a Photo Booth, and live entertainment. See you there! 

STUDENT DRIVERS- You must display a parking permit whether you park on or off campus. Please pick up your permit application outside of the front office.  If you do not have a parking permit displayed, Ricardo will tag your vehicle with a reminder; after that, disciplinary action will follow.

Your ASB Cards and Family Passes may be here.  Please stop by the ASB office to pick them up.

Save the date for the 2023 EHS College Night- On Tuesday, September 26th, parents and students of all grades are invited to attend. There will be a presentation in the theater starting at 5:30 pm, followed by a college fair with informational tables in the cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 pm. Don’t miss out!

Students (gr. 9-12) who are interested in scholarships, please stop by the ASB office at your convenience for more information.California Scholarship Federation (CSF) If you earn good grades and want to join this honor society for high school students or if you want to be in the loop for possible volunteer opportunities, please join the Google Classroom at: 5vjxh6b    Remember that you must apply each semester.

Students who missed having their picture taken at Kickoff - Shoob photography will be on campus on 9/25. You will receive a pass that morning with your scheduled time.

Attention FFA Members: The FFA Cookie Dough Fundraiser will end on the 28th so if you like Otis Spunkmyer cookies find an Ag student to buy yours! If you’re wanting to show beef or dairy cattle at the fair this year, come to the interest meeting today at the beginning of lunch in room 37. Lastly there is a Community Service opportunity:  The Maui collection drive in the Ag department for basic toiletry items to help the people affected by the Maui fires.

Students remember to do a power wash on your chromebook monthly.  The instructions are on the school website under the Families tab or come to the library for help.


Seniors interested in applying to UCs- Visit the senior Google classroom to sign up for the UC Application workshop at EHS on Tues, Oct 3rd, during 5th & 6th periods in the library. You must sign up on the Google form to attend. 

Lots more scholarships are open!  Walter Hogan, EEF (Escalon Educational Foundation), EUTA (Escalon Unified Teachers Association), and Our Lady of Fatima/YLI.  These are just a few opportunities.  Stop by and see Karen in the ASB Office.  She will help you with the information you need regarding how to apply and make the process easier.

Seniors who still need to take their yearbook photo can do so on Oct. 13th in the theater. Picture times will be assigned with passes. More information will be going out to families in the next few weeks. 



Congratulations to the varsity football team on their win over Oakdale Friday Night 41-21. Big shoutout to all the students, staff, and administrators who came out to support the team and turn that venue into an Escalon Home game. The boys have won the “Battle of 120 Trophy” and it will be displayed in the front office this week.  


Congratulations to the JV football team and their 14-0 win over Oakdale Friday Night



Volleyball at Hughson - Release the Teams at 2:10 - Bus leaves at 2:30 

Flag Football HOME vs Central - JV at 4:30 Varsity at 5:30



Golf at Livingston

Flag Football HOME vs Ceres 5:00 and 6:00 pm

Volleyball HOME vs  BIG Valley - JV and Varsity only - 5:00/6:00 





Flag Football at Ceres 5:00 and 6:00 - bus leaves at 3:30 




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