Gustavo Jimenez » California Public Colleges (UC, CSU, Community College)

California Public Colleges (UC, CSU, Community College)

The California Community Colleges system consists of 115 colleges, with a large number of additional campus centers and classrooms throughout the state. The colleges are spread over a wide range of geography, from mountains to coasts, and rural regions to big cities. Each college offers a diverse array of educational programs, with specializations that reflect the unique character of the local region.
The California State University is the nation’s largest four-year public university system, with 23 campuses and eight off-campus centers. Admission to the CSU as a freshman takes into account the specific courses you completed in high school, your grades in those classes, your test scores on the ACT or SAT, and graduating from high school.


Nine UC campuses offer undergraduate and graduate education; one (UCSF) is graduate/professional only.

University of California Campuses